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Windows XP

Microsoft's Windows XP Home Parallel Install step by step




Your previous install will be located, press "ESC" to continue the parallel install.

Now use the up and down arrow keys to select the partition you want to install into. Press "ENTER" once selected to continue. You can use the same partition as the previous operating system.

Windows will now ask you to confirm the install. If you are satisfied with your decision then press "C". You can return to the previous menu by pressing "ESC". 

Now you will be asked if you wish to format the drive, select "Leave the current file system intact (no changes)" and press "ENTER"

Windows will now warn you that the Windows directory already has an operating system, press "ESC" to select a different folder.

You will now be asked to change the folder that Windows installs into.

You can change this to whatever you want, in the example we used WINXP. Press enter once changes have been made to continue.


Windows XP Home Parallel install Part 3